Friday, February 24, 2006

Shakin' things up a bit

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Momster - Mim!

Mim's got quite a lot on her plate and has been reaching out for someone that knows where she's headed for quite some time.  I invited her to this board as a contributing author because I know how helpful a person she is.  In as much as she needs help, support, guidance and prayers right now, she has one of the warmest hugs and softest shoulders to lean on if you ever need one.

That's what I'd hoped Step by Step would go to be about - The giving and getting support from those who are both going and been there.

So please welcome Mim and jump in to offer her advice whenever you feel you have something to share.

Everyone have an awesome weekend.  I'll be heading out to enjoy mine before that arctic blast heads down my way late tomorrow and Sunday.

One Step at a Time :)


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lisa said...

Welcome Mim :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, glad to be invited to share. I always feel better when I can help others. I tend to be good at motivation and uplifting. Just have to work on encouraging myself!