Friday, April 28, 2006

Common Abbreviations

Here are some commonly used abbreviations used on this forum, and other stepparenting sites. Please feel free to add any that I may have missed or variations of the ones listed.

AD - Adopted daughter
AS - Adopted son
BD - Bio-daughter
BF - Bio Father or Boyfriend
BIL - Brother-in-law
BM - Birth/Bio Mom
BS - Bio-son
BTDT - Been there, done that
COD - Child of divorce
CS - Child support
CSM - Custodial Stepmom
DD - Dear daughter
DF - Dear Fiance
DH - Dear Husband
DIL - Daughter-in-Law
DS - Dear son
EOW - Every Other Week
EOWE - Every other weekend
EOWK - Every other week
EXDH - Ex-husband
FIL - Father-in-law
GD - Granddaughter
GF - Girlfriend
GMTA - Great minds think alike!
GS - Grandson
HTH - Hope this helps
IMO - In my opinion
JMHO - Just my humble opinion
KWIM - Know what I mean?
MIL - Mother-in-law
NC - Non-custodial
NCP - Non-custodial parent
NCSM - Non-custodial stepmother
OSD - Older Step Daughter
OSS - Older Step Son
PAS - Parental Alienation Syndrome
SAHM - Stay-at-home mom
SD - Stepdaughter or Stepdad
SF - Stepfather
SIL - Sister-in-law or Son-in-Law
SK / Skid - Stepkid
SM - Stepmom
SO - Significant Other (DSO – Dear SO)
SS - Stepson
STB... - Soon-to-be...(e.g., STBDH)
SW - Second Wife
TMI - Too much information
X - Ex (XW - Ex Wife, XH - Ex Husband)
YSD - Younger step daughter
YSS - Younger Step Son