Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday Morning Blended Keyword Search

While reviewing my stats this morning, as I do most Monday mornings, it occurred to me that I should publish those stats and show others they're not alone in what they are looking for. Naturally, Blended Family and Blended Family Blog are rating high on the search terms, however, the one's that I find somewhat disturbing are:
  • meddling adult step children
  • how to figure out if a step-coupling marriage can be saved
  • step by step process of divorce
Certainly if the problem is between the parents, the focus should be there. I've always felt that the children will be around until they are out of school or on their own feet and then it's down to just you and your spouse. Can you hold out that long? Is the problem deeper then it appears? Is the problem really in the stepchildren at all or are they just an easy excuse? I've heard many other situations in which it wasn't the children at all, but more on the shoulders of the in-laws? Be sure you are calling out the issues as they should be. It's only when the problem has a solid diagnosis that it can be addressed, treated or dismissed. Next I'm seeing lots of people getting here searching for:
  • blended family problem forum (this week)
and in previous weeks reviews:
  • blended family forum
  • stepfamilies forum
  • stepmom forum
One of the best forums I've found for both reading and participating is this FORUM at Life in a Blender.

And hopefully, those searching ex wife blogs are getting here to either realize what they can do in the best interest of their children or share with other blended families what can be done to help make this transition much easier on everyone involved.

I'd like to also extend this invitation - If you are in a blended family and would like to submit a letter or post to be displayed here on Blended Family Blog, I'd be happy to do so.

I think it's important for those struggling in their blended families to share their experiences and this is one additional way that step-families can share their experiences and request advice in an anonymous setting.

If you have something to say, please feel free to leave your comment anonymously on this forum and I'll be glad to move it to the postings section.